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Regucor WHS储能中心

Modular system for the solar-supported supply of detached and semi-detached houses with heat and hot water. The storage cylinder and the add-on groups are functionally and thermodynamically coordinated. With integrated pipework and cabling ready for plug-in. For combination with conventional (e.g. gas/oil) and regenerative heat generators (e.g. heat pump/solid fuel) in existing and new buildings.

The energy storage centre consists of a system storage cylinder, a Regusol LH-130 DN 20 solar station, a Regumaq XH DN 20 fresh water station, a Regumat M3-130 DN 20 heating circuit station and a multifunctional system controller. 

The energy storage centre is characterized by low installation and piping costs due to internal pipework, pre-assembled add-on groups and only one connection level to the building installation.

Regucor WH Energy storage centres

Modular system for the supply of detached and semi-detached houses with heat and hot water. The storage cylinder and the add-on groups are functionally and thermodynamically coordinated. With integrated pipework and cabling ready for plug-in. For combination with conventional (e.g. gas/oil) and regenerative heat generators (e.g. heat pump/solid fuel) in existing and new buildings.
The energy storage centre consists of a system storage cylinder, a Regumaq XH DN 20 fresh water station and a Regumat M3-130 DN 20 heating circuit station. 

The energy storage centre is characterized by low installation and piping costs due to internal pipework, pre-assembled add-on groups and only one connection level to the building installation.

Regucor WH/WHS配件和备件